
County Recorder Information:

The Recorders Office is located on the main floor of the LaMoure County Courthouse. We have all document images on the NDRIN web site dating back to the beginning of time. To visit the NDRIN web site go to Please contact our office with any questions.

Laurie Good

Laurie Good, Recorder


LaDean Podoll, Deputy

202 4th Ave NE, PO Box 128
LaMoure, ND 58458

Phone: (701) 883-6070
Fax: (701) 883-4240

Monday -Friday
8:30 am - 12:00 and 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm
closed holidays

North Dakota County Recorder's website:


The LaMoure County Recorder’s office is now eRecording electronically transmitted documents that DO NOT require an auditor’s transfer. Below are the current vendors for LaMoure County. If you have any questions call the Recorder’s office directly at 701-883-6070.



CSC® eRecording




NDCC 11-18-05.1a and NDCC 11-18-05.1b

• $20.00 for documents with one (1) to six (6) pages

• $65.00 for documents with seven (7) to twenty-five (25) pages

• $3.00 per page for any additional page over 25

• A one inch margin must still be provided on one side of each page or a $10.00 margin fee will be assessed as it is today.

• Related document numbers first 10 free then any additional related document numbers will be a fee of $3.00 per document number.

• The first 10 sections listed will be free and each additional section listed after 10 will be a fee of $1.00 per section listed.

FONT SIZE NDCC 11-18-05.1a(2) “The printed, written, or typed words must be considered legible by the recorder before the page will be accepted for recording and , unless the form was issued by a government agency, must have a font size equal to or larger than ten point Calibri.”

ALL DOCUMENTS MUST have a three (3) inch [7.62 centimeters] margin across the top of the first page of each instrument for recording information.

• NDCC 11-18-05.1a.(4 )“A space of at least three inches [7.62 centimeters] must be provided across the top of the first page of each instrument for the recorder’s recording information. If a space of at least three inches [7.62 centimeters] is not provided across the top of the first page, the recorder shall add a page, and an additional page charge must be levied in accordance with the fee structure.”

Submitters can add a cover page with the title of the document at least three inches from the top of the page and this will serve as the first page. This would ensure the submitter knows exactly how many pages will be counted.

If a recorder must add a page and a 6 page document results in 7 pages the $65.00 fee will be charged.

If the recorder adds a page to a 25 or more page document, the additional $3.00 per page will be assessed.



EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2023: NDCC 11-18-02.2

Only 1 of 2 statements for consideration will be accepted on a deed.

Pick the appropriate statement below & type it IN FULL on your deed.

I certify that the full consideration paid for the property described in this deed is $________________.

Dated: ______________                  Signed: ___________________

                                                      Grantee or Agent

I certify that the requirement for a report or statement of full consideration paid does

not apply because this deed is for one of the transactions exempted by subdivision _____ of N.D.C.C. Section 11-18-02.2(6).

Dated: ______________                    Signed:_____________________ 

                                                      Grantee or Agent

If you choose #2 you will have to pick one of the following and put the letter in the blank.

                A. Property owned or used by public utilities.

                B. Property classified as personal property.

                C. A sale when the grantor and the grantee are of the same family or corporate affiliate, if known.

                D. A sale which resulted as a settlement of an estate.

                E. All forced sales, mortgage foreclosures, and tax sales.

                F. All sales to or from religious, charitable, or nonprofit organizations.

                G. All sales when there is an indicated change of use by the new owners.

                H. All transfer of ownership of property for which is given a quitclaim deed.

                I. Sales of property not assessable by law.

                J. Agricultural lands of less than eighty acres (32.37 hectares).


  • Document must be an original or certified copy.
  • All dates filled in.
  • Adequate county legal description.
  • All signatures must be original handwritten
  • Acknowledgment(s):
    • Acknowledgments for all signatures
    • Notary Seal(s) (ND notary seal must be surrounded by a border).
    • State filled in.
    • County filled in.
    • Date of acknowledgement filled in.
    • Name(s) of all individuals signing appear in the acknowledgement (as having appeared before notary).
    • Expiration date of notary's commission.
    • ND notary's place of notarization was in North Dakota (ND Notary's notaries act outside of ND)

PLATS: Size requirement for a Subdivision Plat is 22" x 34".  2 signed originals are required.   Plats can only be black and white. No shading or color is allowed. Pitch font must be no smaller than size 10.

Subdivision Plat fee for Lots 1-20 is $20; over 20 lots is $50. Auditor Lot Plat fee, see above under Recording Fees.

SURVEYS AND AUDITOR’S LOTS: Must be no larger than 8 1/2" x 14". Pitch font must be no smaller than size 10 and must have a full notary acknowledgment of the Surveyor's signature.

MAPS:  PER NDCC 43-19.1-30 and Attorney General’s Opinion 2017-L-03 Documents that have any type of map/drawing attached to it MUST have a surveyors seal and signature. 


  • Statement of full consideration (not required on a deed covering mineral interest only).
  • Auditor's transfer stamp and seal (not required on a deed covering mineral interest only). All real estate taxes must be paid before any deed can be recorded.
  • Post Office address for Grantee(s).
  • Name and address of Drafter of legal description on deed or contract for deed, executed on or after 01/01/2000 that contains a metes and bounds legal description (NDCC 47-19); in the form of "This legal description was prepared by (name ) (address)." or a statement that reads " The legal description was obtained from a previously recorded document".


  • Post Office address of the mortgagee(s)
  • Post Office address of the Assignee(s) on assignments of mortgages.

UCC/CNS: Uniform Commercial Code / Central Notice System (UCC/CNS) - The Secretary of State website can be accessed by using Fixture filings will be recorded with the Recorder's office with an adequate legal description, debtor name and secured party for the same fees as listed above. National forms will be accepted. It is your responsibility to file the UCC portion with the Secretary of State's website.

NDRIN: North Dakota Recorders Information Network (NDRIN) - A group of North Dakota counties have joined together to extend the application of the 1999 disaster-proofing FEMA grant and provide access to real estate records via the Internet. These records have previously been available only through books and microfilm in the Recorder's Offices in the county courthouses. The service allows users to log onto the web-site to search, view and print records, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from the counties publishing data to the network. Potential customers interested in subscribing to NDRIN can do so online at


Land Record Manager

As the land record officer, the Recorder’s office keeps a record of each patent, deed, mortgage, bill of sale and any document related to these transactions, insuring a permanent record of property ownership and accurate account of financial responsibilities. This provides the information necessary for both the secured and debtor parties.


The Recorder’s office works with a wide and varied customer base.  These customers use the filed and recorded information to document legal instruments, create and/or extend abstracts, conduct land appraisals, locate property lines, draw plats, search ancestry, historical data, heir ships, mineral leases, courtroom testimony, and many other interests.

County Officials, are not permitted by law to prepare legal papers for others, and you the public are requested not to ask county officials to do these things, but if such service is needed see your licensed attorney.


11-18-01, Recorders’ Duties
Recorder’s – Real Estate Records

  1. Keep a full and true record, in proper books and other storage media provided for that purpose, of each patent, deed, mortgage, bill of sale, security agreement, judgment, decree, lien, certificate of sale, and other instrument required to be filed or admitted to record, if the person offering the instrument for filing or recording pays to the Recorder’s the fees provided be law for the filing or recording.
  2. Endorse upon each instrument filed with the Recorder’s for record or otherwise the date and the hour and minute of the day of the filing or recording.
  3. When the instrument is recorded or filed, endorse on the instrument the document number, the date, and the hour and minute of the date when it was recorded or filed with the Recorder’s.


  1.  Safekeeping of all maps, plats and auditor lots.
  2. Responsible for off site storage.
  3.  Will deposits
  4. File burial permits
  5. Responsible for storage of election ballots.   
  6. File Corner Recordations


NDCC 30.1-11.01
Custody and deposit of Wills

Deposit of will in testator’s lifetime. The testator or the testator’s agent may deposit a will with a recorder for safekeeping. The will must be sealed and kept confidential. During the testator’s lifetime, a deposited will must be delivered only to the testator or to a person authorized in writing signed by the testator to receive the will. A conservator may be allowed to examine a deposited will of a protected testator under procedures designed to maintain the confidential character of the document to the extent possible, and to ensure that it will be resealed and kept on deposit after the examination.


The testator or the testator’s agent may deposit a will in the Recorders Office upon payment of a $10.00 filing fee. You will be asked to note on the outside of the sealed envelope your personal representative or person authorized to obtain your will from our custody.
Wills are kept on file in a locked area with no access to anyone other than a staff member of the County Recorders Office.


The County Recorder may disclose the fact that the testator has deposited a will for safekeeping to members of the general public who request the information, as this is public information, but may not disclose the contents of the will.

A recorder may, at the request of the testator or the person designated in writing by the testator, deliver to the testator the deposited will and permit the testator to review the will in a private part of the recorder’s office. The testator may return the will under seal to the recorder for deposit without the will leaving the recorder’s office.

If the testator or person designated in writing by the testator requests to withdraw their will leaves the recorder’s office with the will and wishes to redeposit the will later, a filing fee of $10.00 will be charged to refile the will.

A Personal Representative named may not receive the will without specific written authorization from the testator during testator’s lifetime.

Requiring proof of identification from persons claiming to be authorized to examine the will and requiring the person examining the will to sign a receipt not only reasonably protects the recorder’s office but also helps to provide proof for a prosecution if the person is acting falsely.

During the testator’s lifetime, a deposited will must be delivered only to the testator or to a person authorized in writing signed by the testator to receive the will.

A testator may withdraw their will from deposit at any time upon signing a receipt.


Proof of death must also be established prior to release of a will. This can be done by providing a copy of the death certificate or an obituary.

The recorder may permit a person who is authorized in a writing signed by the testator to receive the will or to examine the will. If there is no designation in writing regarding delivery to a person after death, then the will may only be delivered to the appropriate court.

If an attorney requests the will a letter indicating they are representing the family, date of death of the testator and copy of the death certificate should be provided.  The will at that time may be released to the Courts only.

Requiring proof  of identification from persons claiming to be authorized to receive the will and requiring the person receiving the will to sign a receipt not only protect the recorder’s office but also helps to provide proof for a prosecution if the person is acting falsely.

Birth & Death Records

Birth and Death records are on file with the North Dakota State Department of Health.
Requests for Birth and Death Certificates need to be sent to the ND State Department of Health Vital Records at the following address:

North Dakota State Department of Health
Vital Records
600 East Boulevard Ave., Dept 301
Bismarck, ND 58505-0200

Request forms can be accessed online at: