LaMoure County Emergency Management
The Emergency Management office develops and maintains a county-wide Emergency Operations Plan for all hazardous events that may occur. Emphasis is on disaster preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery activities.
LaMoure County EOP_2018_FINALwebsite.pdf
For more information, check out the NDResponse website: tps://
Preparedness is key to Emergency Management.
Ready is a National public service campaign designed to educate and empower the American people to prepare for, respond to and mitigate emergencies, including natural and man-made disasters:
LaMoure County Emergency Management Office has been accepted as a NOAA Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador. The Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador initiative is an effort to formally recognize NOAA partners who are improving the nation’s readiness against extreme weather, water, and climate events. For Weather information, check out the National Weather Service Weather Forecast Office, Bismarck, ND:
The LaMoure County Emergency Manager also servers as the Secretary/Treasurer for the LaMoure County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC), LaMoure County FEMA Applicant Agent and LaMoure County Floodplain manager.
LaMoure County has two PRESENS units that deliver real-time environmental data from sensors located in remote locations to publicly accessible databases at the Department of Water Resources. They are located on Boom Lake (Marion) and Twin Lake. The name PRESENS is an acronym for Pushing REmote SENSors but also is meant to convey a sense that the agency has a “presence” all across the state and is constantly collecting valuable water resource data needed for sound scientific decision-making on water development, planning, and appropriation. PRESENS information
Help your community be prepared. Life-threatening emergencies can happen fast and emergency responders aren’t always nearby. You may be able to save a life by taking simple actions immediately. Learn more about taking 5 simple steps that may save a life: FEMA: You Are the Help Until Help Arrives information
Kimberly Robbins
LaMoure County Emergency Manager
PO Box 128
202 4th Ave NE
LaMoure, ND 58458
(701) 883-6096 (Office)
(701) 830-0258 (Cell)