LaMoure County Townships

LaMoure County Townships

There are 32 LaMoure County Townships:  Adrian, Badger, Black Loam, Bluebird, Dean, Gladstone, Glen, Glenmore, Golden Glen, Grand Rapids, Grandview, Greenville, Henrietta, Kennison, Litchville, Mikkelson, Nora, Norden, Ovid, Pearl Lake, Pomona View, Prairie, Raney, Ray, Roscoe, Russell, Ryan, Saratoga, Sheridan, Swede, Wano and Willowbank.

Township officer contact information is listed in the documents below (as of June 2024):

Township Contact List

North Dakota Township Officers Association:

The attached document shows which 18 LaMoure County Townships have Zoning Ordinances - updated 12-27-2024.

LaMoure County Township Zoning Ordinances Recorded Date