This NOTICE applies to all county roads within LaMoure County; however, LaMoure County Townships have the same authority over their township roads. The LaMoure County Commissioners intend to strictly enforce the following Sections of the North Dakota Century Code; Section 24-05-23 Encroachment, Section 24-05-24 Removal of Obstructions, and Section 24-06-29 Removal of Obstructions and Traffic Safety Hazards. The Commissioners (Township Supervisors) have jurisdiction over roads, ditches, approaches, and rights of way to remove any and all obstructions, including but not limited to fences, rocks, crops, machinery or other hazards. If after notice the landowner does not remove the obstruction, the County (Township) may remove and charge the landowner for damages and costs. If not paid by the landowner, the damages and costs may be assessed as land taxes. Any questions please contact Darrick Nitschke LaMoure County Road Superintendent (701-883-5131).
Department Officials:
Superintendent - Darrick Nitschke
Admin Assistant - Jennifer McDonald
Blade Operators:
- LaMoure - Dalton Hamlin
- Benson Corners - Dan Hoffman
- Jud - Darrel Hertel
- Kulm - Rodney Kinzler
- Dickey - Mike Schmoker
- Edgeley - Dana Ellingson
Equipment Operators & Truck Drivers:
Larry Worrel, Kurt Isakson, Hal Pithey, Jeremiah Deitz, Reece Klein and Kyle Lloyd
LaMoure County Highway Department maintains the County Roads. This system is made up of 156 miles of Asphalt Roads and 100 miles of Gravel Roads. It is the Highway department's job to maintain a safe driving surface, sign the roads appropriately, and in the winter time snow removal.
The County also helps maintain township roads by blading and doing snow removal on a contracted basis. The repairs done to the Township roads have set the Department up as a vendor for Steel Culverts, Plastic Culverts, and Gravel for the repair of roads.
505 4th Ave SE
PO Box 241
LaMoure, ND 58458
Highway Department - Driveway, Single Trip and Utility permits are available below. Click on the link, print it out and complete instructions as stated on permits.
LaMoure County Driveway Application and Permit