You Are the Help Until the Help Arrives

Until Help Arrives, do you know what to do?

There are 5 steps that may save a life:steps

Step 1 - Call 9-1-1- don't assume someone else has already done so, 911 operators are highly trained and will help you. Let them coach you through the life-threatening situation.

Step 2 - Stay Safe-Assess the situation: pause and use all available senses.  Decide whether to stay and help, grab the injured and get to safety, or get yourself to safety.

Step 3 - Stop the Bleeding-Apply steady, firm pressure on the source of bleeding until first responders arrive.  If you can't control the bleeding with manual pressure, consider a tourniquet

Step 4 - Position the injured-Lay the injured on their side, legs slightly bent, with bottom hand reached outward and head resting near hand.  Raise the chin forward with mouth pointed downward

Step 5 - Provide Comfort-Share names and ask basic questions.  Tell them what you know happened, but do not speculate.  Keep them warm and offer a hand to hold

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), trauma is the leading cause of death for Americans under age 45. Life-threatening injuries require immediate action to prevent an injured person from dying. Those nearest are best positioned to provide care first . Life-threatening emergencies can happen fast and emergency responders aren’t always nearby. You may be able to save a life by taking simple actions immediately. YOU CAN MAKE ALL THE DIFFERENCE!

Take the FEMA Community Training online at: You Are the Help Until Help Arrives

For more information: LaMoure County Emergency Management Office: 701-883-6096 

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