LaMoure County, North Dakota
March 18, 2025
The Board of LaMoure County Commissioners declare a Fire Emergency and Burn Restrictions effective when the North Dakota Fire Danger Rating is in the Very High or Extreme Rating and/or Red Flag Warning has been issued for LaMoure County, North Dakota, effective immediately until rescinded or through May 31, 2025 or until rescinded.
This declaration does include the incorporated cities of LaMoure County: LaMoure, Verona, Berlin, Edgeley, Kulm, Jud, Dickey and Marion.
The Daily Fire Danger Rating is available at the following website: https//
Please review the Open Burning Guidance Information when the county restrictions are not in place.
LaMoure County Fire Emergency and Burn Restrictions Declaration
North Dakota Fire Emergency - Executive Order 2025-04
Very High | Campfires, the ignition of fireworks (aerial and ground), controlled burns (i.e., wood piles, tumbleweeds, tree piles, etc.), cropland/agriculture, fireplaces and chimineas patio (organic material), garbage/pit, gas camp stoves, grills/smokers (gas, charcoal, pellet, wood fire), smoking (areas outside designated areas/and or vehicle), and unnecessary off-road motorized travel (anything other than paved or gravel surface). |
Extreme | Campfires, the ignition of fireworks (aerial and ground), controlled burns (i.e., wood piles, tumbleweeds, tree piles, etc.), cropland/agriculture, fireplaces and chimineas patio (organic material), garbage/pit, gas camp stoves, grills/smokers (gas, charcoal, pellet, wood fire), smoking (areas outside designated areas/and or vehicle), and unnecessary off-road motorized travel (anything other than paved or gravel surface). |
Red Flag Warning | Campfires, the ignition of fireworks (aerial and ground), controlled burns (i.e., wood piles, tumbleweeds, tree piles, etc.), cropland/agriculture, fireplaces and chimineas patio (organic material), garbage/pit, gas camp stoves, grills/smokers (gas, charcoal, pellet, wood fire), smoking (areas outside designated areas/and or vehicle), and unnecessary off-road motorized travel (anything other than paved or gravel surface). |