Local Emergency Planning Committee - LEPC

Under Law of the Superfund  Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) of 1986, Title III is the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA).  EPCRA  does many things yet mandates state and local committees be developed to understand the risk posed by chemicals in their areaand be prepared to deal safely with these emergencies.The State Emergency Response Commission (SERC) is the administering body of the ND Hazardous Chemicals and Response Program.  https://www.epa.gov/epcra/local-emergency-planning-committees

The Local Emergency Planning Committee reports to the SELaMoure County Emergency Planning Committee LogoRC.  Elected  leadership of the LaMoure County LEPC is:

Chairman - Bob Flath

Vice Chairman - Grant Mathern

Secretary/Treasurer - Kimberly Robbins, krobbins@nd.gov, 701-883-6096

Environmental Protection AgencyThe LEPC meets at least twice a year. The North Dakota Hazardous Chemicals Preparedness and Response Program fee system (TIER II fees) that is split in half between the state and the counties must be used wisely.  

For more information on the LEPC, please see this presentation by Lori Reed from the EPA presentated at the 2016 North Dakota Hazardous Materials Conference:

Final 101 NO DAK 2016.pdf

For LaMoure County LEPC Approved Meeting Minutes:





LaMoure County LEPC Meeting_09Aug2023





LaMoure_County LEPC Meeting_10Feb2022

LaMoure County LEPC Meeting 18Nov2021

LaMoure County LEPC Meeting_5Aug2021.pdf

LaMoure County LEPC Meeting_4Feb2021.pdf

LEPC meeting Notes_19Nov2020.docx.pdf

LEPC meeting Notes_6August2020.pdf

LEPC meeting_6February2020.pdf

LEPC meeting Notes_21Nov2019.pdf

LEPC meeting Notes_1SEPT2016.pdf

LEPC meeting_4February 2016.pdf

LEPC meeting Notes_16MAR2017_pdf.pdf

LEPC meeting Notes_7Sept2017.pdf

LEPC meeting Notes_29NOV2017.pdf

LEPC meeting Notes_27FEBRUARY2018.pdf

LEPC meeting Notes_23August2018.pdf

LEPC meeting Notes_28FEB2019.pdf

LEPC meeting Notes_14Aug2019.pdf

LaMoure County LEPC

PO Box 128

LaMoure, ND  58458

701 883-6096